Urbanist Cycling Chamois Panties

Urbanist Cycling Chamois Panties on Kickstarter

I nearly lost my shit when I saw the new Urbanist Cycling Chamois Panties. I’ve tried a few other brands in the past, but none as sexy or minimal as these perfect styles. Quite honestly, these look like a lot of the underwear I wear now and seem perfect for spin class at the gym or a ride downtown.

They have a foam insert sewn in for added comfort while riding. Unlike traditional riding shorts with a chamois, these panties will fit discreetly under your clothing. You can wear them under any pants, shorts, skirts, denim cutoffs, and even non-cycling specific work out clothes you already own.

The project reached their Kickstarter goal within the first week, but I have a feeling designer Christiana Guzman will blow this one out of the water.


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